Friday, July 23, 2010


Pool waterfall tourism KAYANG
geographically situated between two mountains, Mount Merapi and Mount Namely Merbabu. Is precisely in the District DesaKlakah Boyolali Selo. Waterfall Location Kedung Kayang Ketep Pass north of tourism.
Kedung Kayang is a very beautiful natural attractions. In the tourist area we can enjoy the beautiful waterfall pool kayang quite heavy. When you are in such location, then our hearts will be added cool mountain breeze blowing wind - breeze. Besides you can enjoy the beautiful waterfall, you can also see the sights of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu that add beautiful ambience. On weekends this place will be very crowded by tourists tired with simply removing a very friendly guide.
There are facilities you can find among others Store Dining, Lodging, Earth camp. Also for those of you who like an adventurous place is also very suitable to be selected.
To reach this location fairly easily, can be by private vehicles or the Public Vehicles. Muntilan - Kedung Kayang, Salatiga - Kedung Kayang or Boyolali - Kedung Kayang. The road turns - turn also adds to the atmosphere becomes more beautiful. MAGELANG - CENTRAL JAVA. INDONESIA.

Waterfall SIBENDIL
is located in District Curug Rongga Pemalang Regency, Central Java. To reach the waterfall, Sibendil very near only a few meters from the road. remember the path to the waterfall there yet so it must pass through a river. Waterfall Panorama given Sibendil incredible. Waterfall whose height is only 10 meters, has beautiful views plus a cool atmosphere in the vicinity of the waterfall. Waterfall attractiveness Sibendil is the amount of water that surrounds the waterfall filled with many gaps - gaps that are forming a small waterfall that makes this waterfall unsightly. A fairly clean water makes appeal for tourists to swim. This place is one that needs to be visited tourist spot because the beauty of a very beautiful and still maintained properly authenticated. PEMALANG - CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA.

Waterfall SETREN
Tourism is no less interesting choices with the other waterfalls, is located in District Slogohimo approximately 30 kilometers east of the City Wonogiri. Unspoiled scenery with panoramic views of hills and a waterfall is the perfect place to visit for tourists who only want to remove the tired and nature lovers.
Kecamtan Slogohimo is one of the leading producer of district revenues (PAD) Wonogiri. Especially when viewed from the geographical position, so the area became a fairly busy intersection. If to the East, will go into subdistrict Purwantoro the border area with East Java, while if the south will also penetrate the area of East Java.
Natural potential of the mountains became one of domestic sources of foreign exchange earners, namely Girimanuk waterfalls located in the Village Sentren. This area can be said to resemble the Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Sentren area just yet so recognized by the public.
But when viewed from the natural conditions, the beauty and coolness together with the cold Tawangmangu area.
Therefore, since 2000, the District Government (Pemkob) Wonogiri trying to develop nature tourism Girimanik mountain waterfall.WONOGIRI - CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA.

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