Monday, July 19, 2010


Mount Merbabu BOYOLALI With a height of 3142 meters above sea level, is a mountain that is categorized in an old volcano near Mount Merapi, which is one active volcano. Mount Merbabu has many peaks - peak shadow (not the original peak). Because of the wide peak is often the climbers complain and saturated but precisely this that makes it challenging for mountain climbers.
The peak of Mount Merbabu consists of two peaks of the Peak Sarip located at an altitude of 3120 meters above sea level and Songo Kenteng Peak with an altitude of 3142 meters above sea level, these two peaks have different natural panorama.
To go to the top of Mount Merbabu there are two main routes: Through Selo - Boyolali and through Tekelan - Kopeng. Both lines have a different field trips. If we pass Selo greater distance but has a beautiful panorama. Trees - pine tree along the road seemed to create comfort during the trip and could look closer to the slopes of Mount Merapi.
Travel through Tekelan or Kopeng track more closely, but due to erosion by rain water flow causing the route into two long lines and new lines.
Area around the slopes of Mount Merbabu many vegetables grown mainly in the rainy season and dry season planting tobacco. Tobacco quality well-known here and become a cornerstone of population Selo income.
Forest on slopes of Mount Merbabu much dominated by Pines and Acacia trees, and inhabited by animals deer and monkeys.

MOUNT Merapi
Merapi volcano comes from two words 'Meru' which means mountain and 'Fire' which means mountain trim. Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. The last eruption occurred in 2006 in conjunction with the great earthquake disaster. In 1998, this mountain had a thick smoke belching surrounding communities call it 'WEDHUS snot' that can make human skin. The form of heat and dust clouds with a temperature of 3000 degrees calcius which erupted to a height of 3000 meters from the peak. In 1994 the hot clouds had killed 66 people in southwest slope.
Because his name is very famous Mount Merapi is one of the climbers idol. Travel is exhausting and winding through the hills - steep hill is a challenge that must be conquered. So, do not be surprised if Mount Merapi may climb from the south (Kaliurang) area of Sleman, Yogyakarta or from the North (Selo) region of the western region of Boyolali or Magelang.
From Peak Garuda, looks stunning scenery, where the crater of Merapi was in front of the eyes would not stop - stopping smoking. Also look, north, Mount Merbabu challenging to conquer. To the west and east, Mount Lawu and Mount Sindoro - Cleft like mounds - mounds of green. if the weather is sunny, the scenery is more fun again, because I could see from Magelang and Boyolali. peak temperature may reach 5 degrees to minus 8 degrees calcius.
Mount Merapi, where the palace is believed to be supernatural beings. Panembahan Senopati founder of the Mataram kingdom gained the victory in the war against the kingdom with the help of the ruler length of Merapi. Mount Merapi erupts until the Kingdom of troops killed at Long, Long kingdom remaining forces fled in fear. Residents believe that Mount Merapi in addition inhabited by humans also inhabited by creatures - creatures that they call the nation Alush or Fine creatures.

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