Monday, July 26, 2010

coastal tourism in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

This beach is the beautiful sandy beaches and wide, there are a variety of marine life, especially ornamental fish sold by trader off the coast or marine aquariums are maintained in the building located in one area in Côte Kukup.
Here there are also small island upon which there are substations of view to enjoy the beauty of the sea.
The facility is located in Beach Hall for meeting them, hut tours, Hotel, jasmine, Public eat, and shop for souvenir, ornamental fish traders, merchants, fast food fish.Local people also held the ceremony for alms in the same sea with the fishermen Baron. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA

Beach Krakal
This beach is wide and the longest among the beach - the beach the other, and located two miles east coast Dini. Sparkling white sand that stretches along the beach is perfect for enjoying the sea air while doing sports activities, while enjoying the beauty of the sea and look for marine life by bringing a lot of small nets are sold there.
at the time - given time there are tourist attractions in the open stage at the seaside. Facilities: Hotels and Restaurants jasmine. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.
Beach Sundak
This beach is beautiful and sandy white. Pandanus lined along the beach so the beach add to the coolness. Not far from the coast there are small caves in which there are common sources of fresh water used to meet the needs of the population of drinking water.
In addition to cool beaches, this beach is suitable for camping. Facilities are: Venue for meetings, open stage, children play area, a camping place, and of course the stall - food stalls. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.

Siung Beach
located in the Village District Purwodadi Tepus, Located about 35 kilometers from the City of Wonogiri, has its own beauty and characteristics of the many hills - steep hills that surround the beach with a beautiful panorama. This condition makes these beaches ideal for rock climbing gym on the beach and by other research have Siung 250 climbing routes, making it a paradise for climbers. Even at the beach recently held Asian Siung Climbing Gathering was attended by 80 participants from 15 countries in Asia. Facilities available: building for the meeting, where fish auctions, and food stalls. A pretty good road infrastructure and reach the shore. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.

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