Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It turned out that among some potential there is one beach resort that is quite unique and very potential to be developed which Jetis Beach, District Nusawungu - Cilacap. This beach is unique because it can be told exactly is bordered by Beach Logending Kebumen. This beach stretches nearly three miles and has two entrances. East Gate as well as the entrance to the fish auction place Jetis, if this entrance, visitors can enjoy panoramic river estuary that becomes limiting Bodo Kebumen Cilacap regency. Visitors can also enter the location of fish auction place Jetis or boat tour around the estuary. From Place Fish auction Jetis evident in Kebumen Logending Coast. Meanwhile, if visitors enter from the west door after a walk or ride a vehicle approximately 450 meters long from the tip of the driveway, can enjoy a panorama of unspoiled beach with waves big enough south coast.
Jetis beach was pretty much visited by tourists, as evidenced during the five days of Idul Fitri travelers who visitor which almost doubled in comparison weekday.

Beach Logending
8 Kilometers south of Cave Jatijajar, or 53 km from the town of Kebumen, precisely in the Village, District dad, a tourist attraction that has the natural beauty of the beach is very attractive. From the condition, which lies between the southern ocean with teak forests owned Perum Perhutani south Kedu this KPI, a combination or blend of beach and forest, as it is rare to encounter. For in central Java may only exist in the City Kabumen.
Loveliest beaches wide enough, especially when the view is free, by prohibiting the set up a stall - stall in central vision. So that the tourists can enjoy the scenery even better there undisturbed. Besides a wide beach, the tourists can also enjoy the beautiful estuary of the river Bodo, With boats - boat cruises provided by local fishermen. By boat - a traditional boat, or outboard boat, we can trace Bodo River estuary which is a separator between the area Kebumen Cilacap regency. Besides the calm waters of Bodo, crowded as the tree - Playau trees on the riverbank, and also heavily owned Perhutani Teak Forest, adding to the beauty of the scenery.

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