Saturday, July 17, 2010


Also known as the Curug TROCOH Located in the Village District Tawangsari Tretep is 38 km northwest from Waterford City. This region is cool air with panoramic rural scenery. This place is like a silent witness glimpses of the history of Prince Diponegoro's struggle when making a guerrilla strategy against the Dutch. Curug SURODIPURO have the privilege of existing 5-story plunge, clean water and fresh, never subside. Producing region around it have the nature to sit back and enjoying the beautiful waterfall with a height so steep.

Pringapus temple
Statues - statues of Hindu artistic erst were related to Deity Ciwa signifies that the character of the Hindu Temple Pringapus Sekta Ciwaistis. Built in 850 AD and is a replica Mahameru as a symbol of the abode of the gods. This was proved by the existence and Relief Hapsara Antefiq decoration - which depicted a creature Hapsari demigod. TEMPLE Pringapus Pringapus District located in the village is 22 km Ngadirejo northwest from Waterford City. On holiday visited many school children, domestic tourists, and also foreign countries such as America, Holland and Belgium.

JUMPRIT (Holy Water Intake of Vesak) is a spiritual sights on a mountainside with panoramic Sindoro campground mountainous and cool air. This place is closely related to the legend of Majapahit Kyai Nuhun Chentini written in the fiber. Near the fountain there is the tomb of Ki Jumprit jumprit.
JUMPRIT (HOLY WATER MAKING Vesak) pilgrims do meditation which is usually followed by a shower kungkum, throwing panties, bras as a symbol of menhilangkan Shit. Jumprit Water Water is also used as a Blessing for Holy Vesak ceremonies each Tri him. Located on the western District of Ngadirejo, distance 28 km from Waterford city. until the location is already paved roads so the trip quite fun while enjoying the potential Argowisata. Homestead provided for overnight and you can enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery sunrise.

MOUNTAIN cleft Sindoro
Mountain climbing is an exciting adventure tours. Challenging when climbing a hill - a steep hill. but also full of natural beauty at the top with a beautiful panorama of the rising sun in the morning. Cleft in the mountain climbing to do on the night of 21st Ramadan (21 nights). Medium mountaineering Sindoro asyuro coincides with one night certainly thousands of people mainly young nature lovers to make a climb because this activity is a tradition. Some of them intend to visit the tomb of Ki Ageng Makukuhan on top Cleft, yamg as a person believed to be the first stop in kedu and sow Tobacco.

TEMPLE AND inscription in the village GONDOSULI Gondosuli Fur District, Approximately 13 km west from the town of Waterford, a silent witness Dinasty Syailendra heyday. This region there are ruins of the Temple Bar Gondosuli architects built by a Hindu king named Rakai Rakarayan Syailendra Patapan Pu Palar who is also brother-in-law King Garung Rakai Mataram. Gondosuli inscriptions written in Old Javanese and contains as many as five lines of the philosophy and the expression of freedom and triumph Syailendra.

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