Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ketep Pass, Central Java

Pass or Ketep Ketep Hill, located in the Village District Ketep Sawangan Magelang District, located in the height of 1200 asl, the area around 8000 m2, located about 17 km from the village Blabak toward the East, 30 km from the town of Magelang and 35 km from the town of Boyolali ( on track Solo - Selo - Borobudur). From Ketep wisataan Pass can enjoy panoramic views of Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Cleft, Sindoro, Tidar Andong and Menoreh Mountains and expanse of farmland. Recreational facilities available to tourists such as: 1. Substations of View to see the top trim with a peak activity binoculars, 2. Watching a movie about the history of activity at Merapi Volcano Theater, 3. Visiting the museum which presents data on volcanism in the form of visual images - photographs and miniature Mount Merapi, and 4. Information on volcanic hazard mitigation, which can take visitors directly operate the monitoring equipment and the detection of symptoms and volcanic activity with the computer. In addition, Ketep Pass also provides a wide parking area, restaurants, souvenir shops, etc..

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