Thursday, July 29, 2010

coastal tourism in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

Wediombo coast is natural beach with a beautiful panorama, is located in the Village District Jepitu Girisubo approximately 40 Kilometres south east of the City Wonosari. shaped bays and beaches with white sand, either publicly viewable from the top of the hills and coastline. allowing tourists to enjoy a perfect sunset panorama, besides the fresh coastal air is also believed to help curing asthma. for tourists who like fishing can be done in this place where many fish at a certain moment Panjo that appears along the coast.
Once a year on the beach held cultural tradition that is ceremonial procession NGALANGI catching fish by using a tool made from tree root roses that extends from the hill Kedungdowok fitted and held together - similar to sea by the local community.
in one region to the coast have Gremeng Beach, Coastal and island flying fox Jungwok (island inhabited by thousands of bats) that can be achieved by tracing around 1.5 miles to the east.

Gunungkidul Ngrenehan BEACH - YOGYAKARTA
Located in the village Kanigoro Saptosari District approximately 30 kilometers south of the City Wonosari. tourists can see the activities of fishing activities and enjoy the fish ready to eat or bring fresh fish as a by - by.
Still in the same area with Ngrenehan Beach approximately 1 kilometer to the west coast there are beach ngaboran and Nguyahan. Every full moon day at the beach Ngaboran Nyepi Melasti ceremonies were held.

Gunungkidul Baron Beach - Yogyakarta
Baron Beach is located in the Village District Kemedang Tanjungsari approximately 23 kilometers south Wonosari City, is the first beach encountered from shore Regions Combination Baron, Kukup, Throughout, Drini, Krakal and Sundak.
On this beach there is also an underground river that can be used for bathing after playing in the sea. other than that tourists can also enjoy a variety of fresh marine fish fast food, affordable prices, including a menu that is typical of coastal baron snapper soup. on the east side can be achieved through a circular path there are limestone hills, tourists can rest in the substation of view, the beach sipping a refreshing air. Approximately 10 kilometers west from the coast there are beach machete Baron Racuk with the towering steep hill, the courage to challenge the adventure and enjoy the beauty of the sea around freely from the top of the hill.
In each month suro new year local fishermen communities java solemnize marine charity is an expression of gratitude to God Almighty for the abundant harvest of fish and the safety catch fish at sea.

Monday, July 26, 2010

coastal tourism in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

This beach is the beautiful sandy beaches and wide, there are a variety of marine life, especially ornamental fish sold by trader off the coast or marine aquariums are maintained in the building located in one area in Côte Kukup.
Here there are also small island upon which there are substations of view to enjoy the beauty of the sea.
The facility is located in Beach Hall for meeting them, hut tours, Hotel, jasmine, Public eat, and shop for souvenir, ornamental fish traders, merchants, fast food fish.Local people also held the ceremony for alms in the same sea with the fishermen Baron. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA

Beach Krakal
This beach is wide and the longest among the beach - the beach the other, and located two miles east coast Dini. Sparkling white sand that stretches along the beach is perfect for enjoying the sea air while doing sports activities, while enjoying the beauty of the sea and look for marine life by bringing a lot of small nets are sold there.
at the time - given time there are tourist attractions in the open stage at the seaside. Facilities: Hotels and Restaurants jasmine. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.
Beach Sundak
This beach is beautiful and sandy white. Pandanus lined along the beach so the beach add to the coolness. Not far from the coast there are small caves in which there are common sources of fresh water used to meet the needs of the population of drinking water.
In addition to cool beaches, this beach is suitable for camping. Facilities are: Venue for meetings, open stage, children play area, a camping place, and of course the stall - food stalls. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.

Siung Beach
located in the Village District Purwodadi Tepus, Located about 35 kilometers from the City of Wonogiri, has its own beauty and characteristics of the many hills - steep hills that surround the beach with a beautiful panorama. This condition makes these beaches ideal for rock climbing gym on the beach and by other research have Siung 250 climbing routes, making it a paradise for climbers. Even at the beach recently held Asian Siung Climbing Gathering was attended by 80 participants from 15 countries in Asia. Facilities available: building for the meeting, where fish auctions, and food stalls. A pretty good road infrastructure and reach the shore. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Cerme Cave was originally a meeting place used by Walisongo to disseminate and teach the religion of Islam in Java. The word 'Cerme' comes from 'speech', talks during a meeting held to discuss plans to establish in the Great Mosque of Demak, a northern town in Central Java.
Located in the village of Imogiri Selopamioro 20 kilometers south of Yogyakarta. Goa entire length of approximately 1.5 miles and ends at a river in the region Grill, precisely in the Village Ploso, Girtirto, Gunungkidul District. - Average depth of the water flow of about 1 to 1.5 meters.
In addition to the main cave there is a smaller cave where the past is used for meditation place like goa puppeteer. Ledhek Goa, goa Badhut, and The Cavern.
on Monday or Tuesday wage many visitors come to ask God's blessings with thanksgiving ceremony. During the holidays, many students and young people to visit this place. Along the hallway there is a stage Cerme cave once used for a meeting place.
To reach the front gate of the cave, one must climb 759 meters of stairs. Better if the visitor to contact the caretaker or watchman cave beforehand to get a proper explanation or information.
These caves include cave a long and deep. way to achieve this excellent location and distance, about 20 kilometers. The view to the location of the last village is very good. In the daytime, if the weather sunny, yogyakarta city looks beautiful and at night could see the sparkling city lights.
The attraction of the cave Cerme utam This is beautiful stalactite and stalagmite and the existence of many underground rivers and lots of bats hanging in the cave, the conditions in the caves without lighting, darkness and flooded the cave floor, which at penghujann season water will be pairs ( rises), but in the dry season the water subsided. In general, foreign tourists visiting the cave Cerme spend between three to five hours at the location.


ParangKusumo Beach Bantul.
is a beach located on the west side Parangtritis has natural beauty is not inferior to the beach Parangtritis. Also near the beach there are two rocks in the surrounding concrete fence. this place is sacred by local people are known by the name Cepuri.
The visitors are not allowed to barge in and out of the ruins of this Senopati penembahan. they are required to remove the base of her feet before entering the territory Cepuri and should not be noisy. The visitors mostly pilgrims from various regions. They come with different intentions, there can be a soul mate who wants fast, want to be rich, added prestige, and sebagainya.Tempat which opened every day and most crowded visitors on Tuesday night and Friday POND POND it still keeps many mysteries. as told by the caretaker leader Cepuri, many pilgrims have possessed. Largely because they violate the rules and have the intention - the intention is bad. 'This proves greatness of God and as a gesture to human arrogance to not barge through life, against the whole of creation God' advice Surakso Tarwono Cepuri as a caretaker leader. BANTUL - YOGYAKARTA.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Parangtritis, Bantul Yogyakarta on the southern coast, there are about 13 places that have a beautiful tourist beach, only Slah Parangtritis which always occupied the top ranking in the number of tourist visits, compared to the beach - the other shore. The beach is located about 27 kilometers from Yogyakarta, can be achieved through Kretek Village or the longer route, but more beautiful scenery and the village is through Imogiri siluk.Bantul including beaches this is a very beautiful beach with the hills - hills, coastal and mountain scenery of white sand and limestone on the north coast. In this area, tourists can get around the beach using a gig and horse being leased and driven by local residents. besides famous as a place of recreation, Parangtritis also a sacred place. Many visitors who come to meditate. Beach this is one place to perform the ceremony of anchor from Kraton Yogyakarta.

In the dry season, the wind was blowing hard as not to be outdone by the crashing waves - average as high as 2-3 meters. Often heard news of the missing have drawn visitors to the beach waves. Oddly enough it was gone like a corpse visitor engulfed the earth. SAR team - average could only find the body 2-3 days later after a sweep. Typically, the location of the discovery of the corpse was not in an area where visitors are swallowed waves. bodies were found hundreds of meters, sometimes even miles from the scene.

Among local communities about the legend of Nyi Roro Kidul is also its own birth charm. Almost every Friday night and Tuesday POND POND, visitors and local fishermen on the beach doing the ritual. Pelarungan colored ritual offerings and colorful flowers into the sea. Ritual peak usually occurs at night one suro, and 2-3 days after Idul Fitri and Idul Adha. The point of salvation and mercy nelyan asking sustenance from the ruler of the earth and sky. BANTUL - YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA.


Pool waterfall tourism KAYANG
geographically situated between two mountains, Mount Merapi and Mount Namely Merbabu. Is precisely in the District DesaKlakah Boyolali Selo. Waterfall Location Kedung Kayang Ketep Pass north of tourism.
Kedung Kayang is a very beautiful natural attractions. In the tourist area we can enjoy the beautiful waterfall pool kayang quite heavy. When you are in such location, then our hearts will be added cool mountain breeze blowing wind - breeze. Besides you can enjoy the beautiful waterfall, you can also see the sights of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu that add beautiful ambience. On weekends this place will be very crowded by tourists tired with simply removing a very friendly guide.
There are facilities you can find among others Store Dining, Lodging, Earth camp. Also for those of you who like an adventurous place is also very suitable to be selected.
To reach this location fairly easily, can be by private vehicles or the Public Vehicles. Muntilan - Kedung Kayang, Salatiga - Kedung Kayang or Boyolali - Kedung Kayang. The road turns - turn also adds to the atmosphere becomes more beautiful. MAGELANG - CENTRAL JAVA. INDONESIA.

Waterfall SIBENDIL
is located in District Curug Rongga Pemalang Regency, Central Java. To reach the waterfall, Sibendil very near only a few meters from the road. remember the path to the waterfall there yet so it must pass through a river. Waterfall Panorama given Sibendil incredible. Waterfall whose height is only 10 meters, has beautiful views plus a cool atmosphere in the vicinity of the waterfall. Waterfall attractiveness Sibendil is the amount of water that surrounds the waterfall filled with many gaps - gaps that are forming a small waterfall that makes this waterfall unsightly. A fairly clean water makes appeal for tourists to swim. This place is one that needs to be visited tourist spot because the beauty of a very beautiful and still maintained properly authenticated. PEMALANG - CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA.

Waterfall SETREN
Tourism is no less interesting choices with the other waterfalls, is located in District Slogohimo approximately 30 kilometers east of the City Wonogiri. Unspoiled scenery with panoramic views of hills and a waterfall is the perfect place to visit for tourists who only want to remove the tired and nature lovers.
Kecamtan Slogohimo is one of the leading producer of district revenues (PAD) Wonogiri. Especially when viewed from the geographical position, so the area became a fairly busy intersection. If to the East, will go into subdistrict Purwantoro the border area with East Java, while if the south will also penetrate the area of East Java.
Natural potential of the mountains became one of domestic sources of foreign exchange earners, namely Girimanuk waterfalls located in the Village Sentren. This area can be said to resemble the Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Sentren area just yet so recognized by the public.
But when viewed from the natural conditions, the beauty and coolness together with the cold Tawangmangu area.
Therefore, since 2000, the District Government (Pemkob) Wonogiri trying to develop nature tourism Girimanik mountain waterfall.WONOGIRI - CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It turned out that among some potential there is one beach resort that is quite unique and very potential to be developed which Jetis Beach, District Nusawungu - Cilacap. This beach is unique because it can be told exactly is bordered by Beach Logending Kebumen. This beach stretches nearly three miles and has two entrances. East Gate as well as the entrance to the fish auction place Jetis, if this entrance, visitors can enjoy panoramic river estuary that becomes limiting Bodo Kebumen Cilacap regency. Visitors can also enter the location of fish auction place Jetis or boat tour around the estuary. From Place Fish auction Jetis evident in Kebumen Logending Coast. Meanwhile, if visitors enter from the west door after a walk or ride a vehicle approximately 450 meters long from the tip of the driveway, can enjoy a panorama of unspoiled beach with waves big enough south coast.
Jetis beach was pretty much visited by tourists, as evidenced during the five days of Idul Fitri travelers who visitor which almost doubled in comparison weekday.

Beach Logending
8 Kilometers south of Cave Jatijajar, or 53 km from the town of Kebumen, precisely in the Village, District dad, a tourist attraction that has the natural beauty of the beach is very attractive. From the condition, which lies between the southern ocean with teak forests owned Perum Perhutani south Kedu this KPI, a combination or blend of beach and forest, as it is rare to encounter. For in central Java may only exist in the City Kabumen.
Loveliest beaches wide enough, especially when the view is free, by prohibiting the set up a stall - stall in central vision. So that the tourists can enjoy the scenery even better there undisturbed. Besides a wide beach, the tourists can also enjoy the beautiful estuary of the river Bodo, With boats - boat cruises provided by local fishermen. By boat - a traditional boat, or outboard boat, we can trace Bodo River estuary which is a separator between the area Kebumen Cilacap regency. Besides the calm waters of Bodo, crowded as the tree - Playau trees on the riverbank, and also heavily owned Perhutani Teak Forest, adding to the beauty of the scenery.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Mount Merbabu BOYOLALI With a height of 3142 meters above sea level, is a mountain that is categorized in an old volcano near Mount Merapi, which is one active volcano. Mount Merbabu has many peaks - peak shadow (not the original peak). Because of the wide peak is often the climbers complain and saturated but precisely this that makes it challenging for mountain climbers.
The peak of Mount Merbabu consists of two peaks of the Peak Sarip located at an altitude of 3120 meters above sea level and Songo Kenteng Peak with an altitude of 3142 meters above sea level, these two peaks have different natural panorama.
To go to the top of Mount Merbabu there are two main routes: Through Selo - Boyolali and through Tekelan - Kopeng. Both lines have a different field trips. If we pass Selo greater distance but has a beautiful panorama. Trees - pine tree along the road seemed to create comfort during the trip and could look closer to the slopes of Mount Merapi.
Travel through Tekelan or Kopeng track more closely, but due to erosion by rain water flow causing the route into two long lines and new lines.
Area around the slopes of Mount Merbabu many vegetables grown mainly in the rainy season and dry season planting tobacco. Tobacco quality well-known here and become a cornerstone of population Selo income.
Forest on slopes of Mount Merbabu much dominated by Pines and Acacia trees, and inhabited by animals deer and monkeys.

MOUNT Merapi
Merapi volcano comes from two words 'Meru' which means mountain and 'Fire' which means mountain trim. Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. The last eruption occurred in 2006 in conjunction with the great earthquake disaster. In 1998, this mountain had a thick smoke belching surrounding communities call it 'WEDHUS snot' that can make human skin. The form of heat and dust clouds with a temperature of 3000 degrees calcius which erupted to a height of 3000 meters from the peak. In 1994 the hot clouds had killed 66 people in southwest slope.
Because his name is very famous Mount Merapi is one of the climbers idol. Travel is exhausting and winding through the hills - steep hill is a challenge that must be conquered. So, do not be surprised if Mount Merapi may climb from the south (Kaliurang) area of Sleman, Yogyakarta or from the North (Selo) region of the western region of Boyolali or Magelang.
From Peak Garuda, looks stunning scenery, where the crater of Merapi was in front of the eyes would not stop - stopping smoking. Also look, north, Mount Merbabu challenging to conquer. To the west and east, Mount Lawu and Mount Sindoro - Cleft like mounds - mounds of green. if the weather is sunny, the scenery is more fun again, because I could see from Magelang and Boyolali. peak temperature may reach 5 degrees to minus 8 degrees calcius.
Mount Merapi, where the palace is believed to be supernatural beings. Panembahan Senopati founder of the Mataram kingdom gained the victory in the war against the kingdom with the help of the ruler length of Merapi. Mount Merapi erupts until the Kingdom of troops killed at Long, Long kingdom remaining forces fled in fear. Residents believe that Mount Merapi in addition inhabited by humans also inhabited by creatures - creatures that they call the nation Alush or Fine creatures.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It is one of the southern coast of Cilacap Regency ly separated by the Strait that separates the mainland of Java.
Nuasakambangan Island also known as Prison Island which has a creepy impression that the impression is often heard by anyone who has never come to visit the island of Nusakambangan.
This island does offer a lot of things. The longer the closer and see the scary impression will be lost, and the wilderness that is still capable of protecting wildlife - its animal fascinate.
Reclaiming the island that extends from the west east approximately 36 km and width of 4-6 km, with total area is 210 km2 or 21 000 ha, the island's mystery and fascination of cave tours, beaches, forts and panoramic beauty of nature.

1. Benteng Karang Bolong
Benteng Karang Bolong beach is located in the foothills northeast of the island of reclaiming that can be achieved within 20 minutes of Darmaga Wijayapura or by using a small boat about 15 minutes from Turtle Bay Beach. The fortress is located on a protected forest area of 6000 m2 has three main castle where one of them is a three-story fortress that have a large meeting room and is equipped with a cannon.

Match the name of white sand for white sandy beaches, so people call it the White Sand Beach. This beach is one of the attractions in the southern island of reclaiming precisely located on the east coast Permisan. White Sand Beach is decorated with a variety of rocks or islands - small islands stretching eastward decorated very powerful waves that hit the water so that the collision of black rock add to the beauty of this beach.

Located at the westernmost tip of the island, a distance of reclaiming 35 km from the jetty Sodong. To reach this beach through the strait flow Nusakambangan - ly through the village of Kampung District Klaces sea. All the way through the fourth LP which still serves the LP Stone, Iron, Kembang Kuning, and Permisan well past the Kampung Laut subdistrict in Klaces with views of the mangrove forests on both sides of river and mountain views and indralaya straits.

Permisahan coast are also found in the south island of reclaiming precisely Permisan LP. The beach is still very much a natural yet contaminated by humans. With amazing scenery and the crashing ocean waves south will bring tourists to enjoy the beauty panorama of islands - small islands and rocks - the rocks in front of the beach has its own value compared to other tourist beaches on the island of Nusakambangan.

Pandanus Coral Coast is one of the potential of existing attractions on the East Coast Nusakambangan Island. Pandanus Coral Coast is still not so much polluted by human hands in front of the scenic beaches of two coral islands (Pulau Majethi) are trusted by the community as a place to grow flowers Wijayakusuma, go add to the beauty of this beach.


Genting Curug
Located in the District of Blado, Approximately 38 km to the south of the City Bar. A very beautiful waterfall has a height of about 40 m and is surrounded by pine forest surroundings. With fresh air and verdant natural countryside, Curug Genting is very suitable as a fun family recreation.

Curug Gombong
Waterfall with a height of 13 m split flat-coated natural rock (rock rai). Located in the Village Gombong 6 km south of the District of Subah, Batang regency. Very suitable for a weekend with your family, so far there are investors who develop Curug Gombong as a potential tourist attraction.

Is a coastal region located in northern coast of Java, this beach is located exactly in Batang, this beach is approximately 4 km from the city center rod with a travel time of less than 10 minutes when the vehicle reached by either two or four wheels.
Sigandu with captivating panoramic beach bars City in the afternoon, while fishing boats unload fish, lean back catch.

Nyadran Ceremony
On the beach where its mouth was a split Sambong times this city held a ceremony salvation beach (Nyadran) with wine - the procession, and traditional rowing boat race by all fishermen in Batang. The ceremony was scheduled each year to coincide with the feast of Eid al-Fitr as a sense of gratitude to God Almighty for Rizki delegated to His people.

BEACH Ujung Negoro
A coastal region north of Batang, located 14 km east of the City Bar. One part of the edge of the beach to a height of 14 meters from the sea surface, which is rarely found along the north coast of Java. At high altitude there is a small cemetery Astwotomo Cave Syeik Maulana Maghribi heritage. Around this area is available Pila interesting place for boating and fishing.

Inscription SOJOMERTO
This inscription was found in the Village District Sojomerto Owl Batang, Central Java, Created think - sometime in the century of government Syailendra VII, A king of the kingdom of Srivijaya who attacked the island of Java in 684 AD.
Inscription is made of andesite, with length 43 cm, thickness of 7 cm and 78 cm high. Old Javanese writings inscribed on a flat surface, consisting of 11 lines which partially damaged line eroded with age.
The sound of the article include:
Obeisance to the Shiva Bathara Dhewa Paramecwara and all Dhewa - dhewa. My respect for 'Hiya MIH' is a noble Dhapunta Syailendra, Santanu go round and Badhrawati His father's name was his mother, Sempura is the name of his wife from a noble Syailendra.
Sojomerto inscription is older than the inscription has been made for the government Canggal Sanjaya in the year 732 AD. According to Indonesian history, Syailendra is a King who married a descendant Sanjaya dynasty which in turn decreases the King - the king of Central Java and East Java.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Also known as the Curug TROCOH Located in the Village District Tawangsari Tretep is 38 km northwest from Waterford City. This region is cool air with panoramic rural scenery. This place is like a silent witness glimpses of the history of Prince Diponegoro's struggle when making a guerrilla strategy against the Dutch. Curug SURODIPURO have the privilege of existing 5-story plunge, clean water and fresh, never subside. Producing region around it have the nature to sit back and enjoying the beautiful waterfall with a height so steep.

Pringapus temple
Statues - statues of Hindu artistic erst were related to Deity Ciwa signifies that the character of the Hindu Temple Pringapus Sekta Ciwaistis. Built in 850 AD and is a replica Mahameru as a symbol of the abode of the gods. This was proved by the existence and Relief Hapsara Antefiq decoration - which depicted a creature Hapsari demigod. TEMPLE Pringapus Pringapus District located in the village is 22 km Ngadirejo northwest from Waterford City. On holiday visited many school children, domestic tourists, and also foreign countries such as America, Holland and Belgium.

JUMPRIT (Holy Water Intake of Vesak) is a spiritual sights on a mountainside with panoramic Sindoro campground mountainous and cool air. This place is closely related to the legend of Majapahit Kyai Nuhun Chentini written in the fiber. Near the fountain there is the tomb of Ki Jumprit jumprit.
JUMPRIT (HOLY WATER MAKING Vesak) pilgrims do meditation which is usually followed by a shower kungkum, throwing panties, bras as a symbol of menhilangkan Shit. Jumprit Water Water is also used as a Blessing for Holy Vesak ceremonies each Tri him. Located on the western District of Ngadirejo, distance 28 km from Waterford city. until the location is already paved roads so the trip quite fun while enjoying the potential Argowisata. Homestead provided for overnight and you can enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery sunrise.

MOUNTAIN cleft Sindoro
Mountain climbing is an exciting adventure tours. Challenging when climbing a hill - a steep hill. but also full of natural beauty at the top with a beautiful panorama of the rising sun in the morning. Cleft in the mountain climbing to do on the night of 21st Ramadan (21 nights). Medium mountaineering Sindoro asyuro coincides with one night certainly thousands of people mainly young nature lovers to make a climb because this activity is a tradition. Some of them intend to visit the tomb of Ki Ageng Makukuhan on top Cleft, yamg as a person believed to be the first stop in kedu and sow Tobacco.

TEMPLE AND inscription in the village GONDOSULI Gondosuli Fur District, Approximately 13 km west from the town of Waterford, a silent witness Dinasty Syailendra heyday. This region there are ruins of the Temple Bar Gondosuli architects built by a Hindu king named Rakai Rakarayan Syailendra Patapan Pu Palar who is also brother-in-law King Garung Rakai Mataram. Gondosuli inscriptions written in Old Javanese and contains as many as five lines of the philosophy and the expression of freedom and triumph Syailendra.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Plateau Dieng (Dieng Plateu) is adjacent to the northeastern town of Banjarnegara 55 km, is the number two tourist destination in Central Java, Borobudur after.
Dieng Plateau is the original Volcano erupting with powerful, now thrown off the mountain peak, a plateau that remained now located on a mountain top over with known as 'Dieng PLATEU' midst - the middle of the Dieng plateau before there is a place of worship and education dormitories oldest Hindu in Indonesia. As a sacred building until now could be witnessed by the existence of the temple along with debris - debris former monastery. Of objects we can see now there are eight temples.
Sikidang Crater, Crater The Bull, Sileri Crater, Crater Candradimuka, Telaga Balaikumbang, Telaga Medada, Telaga Siwi, Telaga Dringa, Telaga Sinila, Well Jala Snooze, Goa Jumut, Gangsiran Asmotomo.
There are special memories that brought when visiting Dieng, among others: Nuts Dieng, Carica, Potato, Asparagas, Mushroom and Herb Purwaceng Dieng as body warmers.
For local people, called the Dieng often translated as a heaven or a place residence the Gods. It places these mountains promise of stunning natural scenery. Expanse of teak forests, Crater - Crater is still active, and the cool air makes the region memorable sights in peace and quiet.
Cool atmosphere Dieng Plateau is located right on the border between Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. Dieng Plateau region's largest Banjarnegara. Is the highest plateau in Java which is located at an altitude of 2093 m above sea level with temperature - average 150 C. Other attractions that can be visited by groups such as Hindu Temple Pandavas, Telaga Color and Pangilon, Crater Sikidang, Semar's Cave, the Spring River Serayu, mushroom cultivation process, etc..
Geographically, the Dieng Plateau are in two areas Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. It lies at an altitude of about 2093 meters above sea level, with daytime temperatures between 15 degrees and 10 degrees centigrade calcius at night.
At the time of the dry season, temperatures can drop below zero drastic degrees Centigrade. The low temperature freezing dew. According to farmers Dieng, crystals - crystals that are often called dew dew poison is not very friendly. Potato and cabbage crops they threatened if the dew comes malignant.
Area of Plateau Dieng 619.846 hectares, surrounded by mountains such as Mount clusters Cleft, Mount Sindoro, Mount Boat, Mountain and Mount Bismo Rogojembangan. The beauty of Dieng offers an interesting sensation. Believe it or not, visitors are from the direction two times Wonosobo can watch sunrise.
Dieng sunrise given the nickname Golden Sunrise, with a golden sun and silver sunrise, with silver-white color of sunshine. The first appearance of sunrise, or Golden Sunrise, can be seen from the tower view at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level ATS. This location before entering the village of Dieng. While the second appearance, or Silver Sunrise, the complex can be seen from the Hindu Temple.


Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, and is located on the island of Java, approximately 20 km east of Yogyakarta, Surakarta, 40 kilometers and 120 kilometers south of Semarang, right on the border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. Prambanan is located in the village whose territory is divided between the districts of Sleman and Klaten. This temple was built about the year 850 AD by one of these men, Rakai Namely Pikatan (2nd king of Mataram dynasty I) or balitung Maha Sambu during the Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after built, this temple and began abandoned damaged. Renovation of this temple began in 1981, and until now has not been completed. New main building was completed in 1953. Banayak the temple is renovated, using new stones, because stones - many of the original stone was stolen or reused elsewhere. A temple would be restored only if at least 7% of the original stone is still there. Therefore, many of the temples - the small temple was rebuilt and only looked foundation course. Now, this temple is a protected world heritage site by UNESCO since 1991. Among other things this means that the complex is shielded and has the status of Parties, suppose also in situations of war. Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, with the main building height is 47 m. This temple complex consists of eight main shrine or temple and more than 250 small temples. Three main temples called Trisakti and dedicated to Sang Hyang Trimurti: Shiva Batara the Destroyer, Vishnu the Preserver and Batara Batara Brahma the Creator.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


ARCHIPELAGO KARIMUNJAWA karimunjawa, One of the districts in Jepara is one - the only district in Central Java which separate the sea to the mainland of Java, a distance of 45 nautical miles from the capital district and 60 miles north of the capital. He is a chain of islands - small islands consisting of 27 islands with an area of 7129 hectares and 107 225 ha of water area. Karimunjawa name allegedly taken from the word Keremun or vague - vague, referring to this group of islands when seen from the mainland of Java seem Keremun - keremun or vague - vague. The name was reputedly given at Sunan Nyamplungan come to Karimun (first person who came to set foot Karimunjawa da mainland). Nyamplungan Sunan is one of the Hijra the son of Sunan Muria to Karimun, whose name is perpetuated from where his tomb is in the village of Mount Nyamplungan karimunjawa. Some locations / attractions to visit is Menjengan Small Island, Big Menjengan, Tanjung Gelam, Legon Lele, Genting, Twins, Parang, Pines and Krakal. maritime tourism such as sailing, surfing, water skiing, swimming, sunbathing on white sand beaches, camping, cultural tours, observation of deer and birds and diving / snorkeling. Package tours to visit the island - the island can contact the travel agency in semarang / Jepara (tours 1-7 days). Cultural attractions in the national tamn ie eggs and th Durian festival in january / march in Jepara. The best visiting season: The month from April to October each year. Access to and from the Dewondaru from Jepara coast by plane or by air charter.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ketep Pass, Central Java

Pass or Ketep Ketep Hill, located in the Village District Ketep Sawangan Magelang District, located in the height of 1200 asl, the area around 8000 m2, located about 17 km from the village Blabak toward the East, 30 km from the town of Magelang and 35 km from the town of Boyolali ( on track Solo - Selo - Borobudur). From Ketep wisataan Pass can enjoy panoramic views of Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Cleft, Sindoro, Tidar Andong and Menoreh Mountains and expanse of farmland. Recreational facilities available to tourists such as: 1. Substations of View to see the top trim with a peak activity binoculars, 2. Watching a movie about the history of activity at Merapi Volcano Theater, 3. Visiting the museum which presents data on volcanism in the form of visual images - photographs and miniature Mount Merapi, and 4. Information on volcanic hazard mitigation, which can take visitors directly operate the monitoring equipment and the detection of symptoms and volcanic activity with the computer. In addition, Ketep Pass also provides a wide parking area, restaurants, souvenir shops, etc..


This pagoda was built by an envoy from China, named Sam Poo Tay Djien on a tour to Semarang, As one of the sojourn of a series of visits to the country - the Asian countries. This pagoda inspired many legends about the development semarang city, especially Simongan region. Shrine which has a very beautiful shape, mix a very thick Chinese ornament combined with a similar roof forms Joglo.
Other building functions as a sacred place for worship is also an interesting place to visit, especially on Lunar New Year. Location Pagoda located on Jl. Simongan. Gedong Stone Town area of Semarang.

Borobudur temple, central java

Borobudur is one of the best ancient monuments in the world that the preserve, even one of the seven wonders of the world. This monument is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and has been in the claims as a result of human culture in the most frequently visited by tourists, both domestic and overseas until recently.
Style architects of this temple resembles nothing else in between ancient buildings in the world. Structure of micro-inspired depiction of the cosmos often becomes a question, say when and in what manner, how long and by whom the nature reserve was built. The appropriate response is still left a mystery, since no written documents to date. Based on the inscriptions found by the researchers, noted that the temple at Borobudur was built between the 18th century when Samaratungga (King of Syailendra Dynasty) ruled in central java. The meaning of Borobudur is a combination of words and Budur Bara. Bara sanskrit language means temple or monastery. While Budur reminds us with a word that originated from Bali Beduhur which means on top. In other words Borobudur means monastery on the hill. Borobudur is full of philosophical ornaments in which clearly symbolizes the unity of different paths can be followed to achieve the goal of life's most basic. Reliefs carved on temple walls tell about the beauty of learning to live. In other words, Borobudur has a soul of art, philosophy and culture.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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central java tourism

Central Java, there are many very interesting sights. Semarang has a number of ancient buildings. Another object of tourism in the city including Maerokoco Castle (Taman Mini Central Java) and the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).
One of the pride of this province is the Borobudur Temple, Namely The world's largest Buddhist monument that was built in the 9th century, There in Magelang District. Pawon Mendut and also located a complex of Borobudur.

Prambanan in the border district of Klaten and Yogyakarta Special Region is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. In that area there are groups Dieng temple - Hindu temple, which allegedly dibanguan before the era of Old Mataram. Gedong Songo temple complex is situated on the slopes of Mount Ungaran, Semarang regency.

Surakarta is seen as one of the cultural center of Java, Where in this town and there Mangkunegaran Kasunanan Palace.
Interesting tourist objects in the outer city is Grojogan Sewu Waterfall and a temple - the temple heritage of Majapahit in the district of Karanganyar, And Fossil Museum, located in the path of Sangiran Solo - Purwodadi.

The southern part of Central Java, also stores a number of interesting natural attractions, including Goa and Coastal Karangbolong Jatijajar Kabumen District, as well as Baturraden in Banyumas. In the north there Vases Tourism on the slopes of Mount Slamet Tegal and Pekalongan Regency which was known by the nickname 'City of Batik'.

West coast region keeps religious tourism. Great Mosque of Demak was founded in the 16th century is an artistic buildings with architectural guidelines, Muslim and Hindu. Demak is the first Islamic kingdom in Java. There are three graves west Kawasanpantura nine walis, namely Sunan Kalijaga in Demak, Kudus in Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria in the district and the Holy. Ghost also known as the 'City of Kretek' and this city there are also museums clove.


CENTRAL JAVA is a province of Indonesia which is located in the central part of Java Island. This province borders the province of West Java in the west, Indian Ocean and Yogyakarta in southern Java, East Java in the east, and the Java Sea to the north. The total area 32 548 km2, or approximately 25.04% of the size of the island of Java. Central Java province also includes the island of reclaiming the south (near the border with West Java and Java Karimun Islands in the Java sea.

Definition of Central Java are geographically and culturally also sometimes includes DIY region. Central Java is known as the 'Heart' of Javanese culture. Nevertheless there are tribes in the province of Sunda on the border with West Java. In addition there are also citizens of Tionghoa - Indonesian, Arabic - Indonesia and India - Indonesia who are spread throughout the province.