Thursday, July 29, 2010

coastal tourism in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

Wediombo coast is natural beach with a beautiful panorama, is located in the Village District Jepitu Girisubo approximately 40 Kilometres south east of the City Wonosari. shaped bays and beaches with white sand, either publicly viewable from the top of the hills and coastline. allowing tourists to enjoy a perfect sunset panorama, besides the fresh coastal air is also believed to help curing asthma. for tourists who like fishing can be done in this place where many fish at a certain moment Panjo that appears along the coast.
Once a year on the beach held cultural tradition that is ceremonial procession NGALANGI catching fish by using a tool made from tree root roses that extends from the hill Kedungdowok fitted and held together - similar to sea by the local community.
in one region to the coast have Gremeng Beach, Coastal and island flying fox Jungwok (island inhabited by thousands of bats) that can be achieved by tracing around 1.5 miles to the east.

Gunungkidul Ngrenehan BEACH - YOGYAKARTA
Located in the village Kanigoro Saptosari District approximately 30 kilometers south of the City Wonosari. tourists can see the activities of fishing activities and enjoy the fish ready to eat or bring fresh fish as a by - by.
Still in the same area with Ngrenehan Beach approximately 1 kilometer to the west coast there are beach ngaboran and Nguyahan. Every full moon day at the beach Ngaboran Nyepi Melasti ceremonies were held.

Gunungkidul Baron Beach - Yogyakarta
Baron Beach is located in the Village District Kemedang Tanjungsari approximately 23 kilometers south Wonosari City, is the first beach encountered from shore Regions Combination Baron, Kukup, Throughout, Drini, Krakal and Sundak.
On this beach there is also an underground river that can be used for bathing after playing in the sea. other than that tourists can also enjoy a variety of fresh marine fish fast food, affordable prices, including a menu that is typical of coastal baron snapper soup. on the east side can be achieved through a circular path there are limestone hills, tourists can rest in the substation of view, the beach sipping a refreshing air. Approximately 10 kilometers west from the coast there are beach machete Baron Racuk with the towering steep hill, the courage to challenge the adventure and enjoy the beauty of the sea around freely from the top of the hill.
In each month suro new year local fishermen communities java solemnize marine charity is an expression of gratitude to God Almighty for the abundant harvest of fish and the safety catch fish at sea.

Monday, July 26, 2010

coastal tourism in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

This beach is the beautiful sandy beaches and wide, there are a variety of marine life, especially ornamental fish sold by trader off the coast or marine aquariums are maintained in the building located in one area in Côte Kukup.
Here there are also small island upon which there are substations of view to enjoy the beauty of the sea.
The facility is located in Beach Hall for meeting them, hut tours, Hotel, jasmine, Public eat, and shop for souvenir, ornamental fish traders, merchants, fast food fish.Local people also held the ceremony for alms in the same sea with the fishermen Baron. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA

Beach Krakal
This beach is wide and the longest among the beach - the beach the other, and located two miles east coast Dini. Sparkling white sand that stretches along the beach is perfect for enjoying the sea air while doing sports activities, while enjoying the beauty of the sea and look for marine life by bringing a lot of small nets are sold there.
at the time - given time there are tourist attractions in the open stage at the seaside. Facilities: Hotels and Restaurants jasmine. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.
Beach Sundak
This beach is beautiful and sandy white. Pandanus lined along the beach so the beach add to the coolness. Not far from the coast there are small caves in which there are common sources of fresh water used to meet the needs of the population of drinking water.
In addition to cool beaches, this beach is suitable for camping. Facilities are: Venue for meetings, open stage, children play area, a camping place, and of course the stall - food stalls. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.

Siung Beach
located in the Village District Purwodadi Tepus, Located about 35 kilometers from the City of Wonogiri, has its own beauty and characteristics of the many hills - steep hills that surround the beach with a beautiful panorama. This condition makes these beaches ideal for rock climbing gym on the beach and by other research have Siung 250 climbing routes, making it a paradise for climbers. Even at the beach recently held Asian Siung Climbing Gathering was attended by 80 participants from 15 countries in Asia. Facilities available: building for the meeting, where fish auctions, and food stalls. A pretty good road infrastructure and reach the shore. GUNUNGKIDUL - YOGYAKARTA.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Cerme Cave was originally a meeting place used by Walisongo to disseminate and teach the religion of Islam in Java. The word 'Cerme' comes from 'speech', talks during a meeting held to discuss plans to establish in the Great Mosque of Demak, a northern town in Central Java.
Located in the village of Imogiri Selopamioro 20 kilometers south of Yogyakarta. Goa entire length of approximately 1.5 miles and ends at a river in the region Grill, precisely in the Village Ploso, Girtirto, Gunungkidul District. - Average depth of the water flow of about 1 to 1.5 meters.
In addition to the main cave there is a smaller cave where the past is used for meditation place like goa puppeteer. Ledhek Goa, goa Badhut, and The Cavern.
on Monday or Tuesday wage many visitors come to ask God's blessings with thanksgiving ceremony. During the holidays, many students and young people to visit this place. Along the hallway there is a stage Cerme cave once used for a meeting place.
To reach the front gate of the cave, one must climb 759 meters of stairs. Better if the visitor to contact the caretaker or watchman cave beforehand to get a proper explanation or information.
These caves include cave a long and deep. way to achieve this excellent location and distance, about 20 kilometers. The view to the location of the last village is very good. In the daytime, if the weather sunny, yogyakarta city looks beautiful and at night could see the sparkling city lights.
The attraction of the cave Cerme utam This is beautiful stalactite and stalagmite and the existence of many underground rivers and lots of bats hanging in the cave, the conditions in the caves without lighting, darkness and flooded the cave floor, which at penghujann season water will be pairs ( rises), but in the dry season the water subsided. In general, foreign tourists visiting the cave Cerme spend between three to five hours at the location.


ParangKusumo Beach Bantul.
is a beach located on the west side Parangtritis has natural beauty is not inferior to the beach Parangtritis. Also near the beach there are two rocks in the surrounding concrete fence. this place is sacred by local people are known by the name Cepuri.
The visitors are not allowed to barge in and out of the ruins of this Senopati penembahan. they are required to remove the base of her feet before entering the territory Cepuri and should not be noisy. The visitors mostly pilgrims from various regions. They come with different intentions, there can be a soul mate who wants fast, want to be rich, added prestige, and sebagainya.Tempat which opened every day and most crowded visitors on Tuesday night and Friday POND POND it still keeps many mysteries. as told by the caretaker leader Cepuri, many pilgrims have possessed. Largely because they violate the rules and have the intention - the intention is bad. 'This proves greatness of God and as a gesture to human arrogance to not barge through life, against the whole of creation God' advice Surakso Tarwono Cepuri as a caretaker leader. BANTUL - YOGYAKARTA.